Stand Up Australia featured on 60 Minutes
Last night on 60 Minutes, Channel 9 featured a segment about the dangers and health effects of prolonged sitting. In case you missed it, click the link or image below to watch the 12 minute eye opening clip.
60 Minutes Stand up Australia Video
Ergoport can’t emphasize the facts enough! Time spent sitting is consistently associated with premature mortality, diabetes and risk factors for cardiovascular disease, irrespective of time spent in exercise. Rather than focusing on the dangers of sitting for prolonged periods of time, what can we do to change this?
By increasing the number of breaks from sitting time, you will have reduced musculoskeletal discomfort, reduced eye strain and increased productivity. So get moving about every 20 minutes!
Additionally a postural change should be considered. Investing in a sit-stand workstation at the office is a great way to start. Ergoport offers a wide range of Sit Stand solutions.
Sit-Stand Solutions
Let’s Get Our Kids Standing too
The next generation is going to rely more on technology than ever before. Last year, Mont Albert Primary School became one of the first schools to be fitted with height-adjustable desks to allow pupils to sit or stand, as part of an experiment by Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute. The feedback has been extremely positive with children feeling more alert and focused.
Read More with this article from the
Ergoport offers these same Standing Desks made by Ergotron
Our bodies are designed to move so start today by making these little changes.
Our showroom is open Monday through to Friday from 9.00am to 5.30pm and located conveniently near North Sydney train station.
For appointment bookings please email
Yours in Health & Safety,
The Ergoport Team
Ph: 02 9929 8447
Fax: 02 9929 7040